
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Class Separation Improvements in Pixel Classification Using Colour Injection

    TitleClass Separation Improvements in Pixel Classification Using Colour Injection
    Publication TypeJournal Article
    Año de publicación2010
    AutoresBlanco, E, Mazo, M, Bergasa, LM, Palazuelos, SE, Rodríguez-Ascariz, JM, Losada-Gutiérrez, C, Martin, JL
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    NúmeroIntelligent Sensors - 2010
    Fecha de publicación08/2010
    Lugar de publicaciónBasel, Suiza
    Palabras claveclass separation, colour clustering, colour injection, colour segmentation, colour sub-spaces, Pixel classification

    This paper presents an improvement in the colour image segmentation in the Hue Saturation (HS) sub-space. The authors propose to inject (add) a colour vector in the Red Green Blue (RGB) space to increase the class separation in the HS plane. The goal of the work is the development of an algorithm to obtain the optimal colour vector for injection that maximizes the separation between the classes in the HS plane. The chromatic Chrominace-1 Chrominance-2 sub-space (of the Luminance Chrominace-1 Chrominance-2 (YC1C2) space) is used to obtain the optimal vector to add. The proposal is applied on each frame of a colour image sequence in real-time. It has been tested in applications with reduced contrast between the colours of the background and the object, and particularly when the size of the object is very small in comparison with the size of the captured scene. Numerous tests have confirmed that this proposal improves the segmentation process, considerably reducing the effects of the variation of the light intensity of the scene. Several tests have been made in skin segmentation in applications for sign language recognition via computer vision, where an accurate segmentation of hands and face is required.

    sensors_edward_blanco_2010.pdf3.38 MB

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