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    Adapting a Search Algorithm for the Spanish Railway Network

    TítuloAdapting a Search Algorithm for the Spanish Railway Network
    Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
    Año de publicación2006
    AutoresMacias-Guarasa, J, San-Segundo, R, Montero, JM, Ferreiros, J, Cordoba, R, Fernandez, F, D'Haro, LF, Pardo, JM
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Revista académicaTransportation Planning and Technology
    Fecha de publicación02/2006
    Lugar de publicaciónReino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
    EditorialTaylor & Francis Journals
    Rank in category19/22
    Palabras claveconnecting matrices, journey option search, railway, Search algorithm, train routing
    JCR Impact Factor0.156

    This article describes a search algorithm adapted to the Spanish
    Railway Network for generating as many traveling options as possible between
    two railway stations. This algorithm (Warshall’s algorithm) uses connecting
    matrices to find all possible railway journeys. The Spanish Railway Company
    has imposed severe restrictions: less than 1 second per query in a 600Mhz
    processor PC with 32Mb RAM and 150Mb hard disk free memory. The final
    average time for a simple query is around 0.25 seconds and the whole memory
    consumption is 127Mb. The final implementation has been divided into 3
    modules. In the first module, we store additional information in the connecting
    matrices to accelerate the later search, proposing several strategies for reducing
    thier size. The journey option calculation module accesses the matrix information
    and composes the traveling options. Finally, in the filtering module we
    describe the selection criteria considering the algorithm embedded in a general
    information service.

    PaperPublicado-gtpt158497.pdf330.99 KB

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