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    Human-Machine Interfaces and Sensory System for and Autonomous Wheelchair

    TítuloHuman-Machine Interfaces and Sensory System for and Autonomous Wheelchair
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación1999
    AutoresGarcia, JC, Mazo, M, Bergasa, LM, Ureña, J, Lazaro, JL, Escudero, MS, Marron, M, Sebastian, E
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference Name5TH European Conference on the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, AAATE?99
    Páginas272 - 277
    EditorialAssociation for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
    Conference LocationDüsseldorf, R. F. Alemania
    Fecha de publicación01/11/1999
    Numero ISBN1-58603-001-9
    Palabras claveAutonomous Wheelchair, Human-Machine Interfaces

    This paper presents some results of the project called: “Sistema Integral de Ayuda a la Movilidad -SIAMO-” (Integral System for Assisted Mobility). The SIAMO can be installed over any standard powered wheelchair and includes a complete user-machine interface, motor control modules and safety and autonomous guidance systems. Special care has been taken in designing and testing the Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Sensory System on-board, to build a wheelchair with a convenient performance/cost ratio. HMI includes a full set of linear and state-based input devices, each of them able to drive the chair using any of the capabilities of the user; output devices feedback the state of the chair to user. The sensory system includes contact and contactless devices, as ultrasonic and infrared range finders, and a vision-based self-localization system for safety and navigation task. Integration with the Building capabilities are also possible thanks to the flexibility of the Serial Bus used.

    1999-HMIs-Wheelcair-UAH.pdf362.34 KB

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