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    Exportados 8 resultados:
      R. Barra-Chicote, et al., «Acoustic Emotion Recognition using Dynamic Bayesian Networks and Multi-Space Distributions», in 10th Annual Conference of the Internacional Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2009), Brighton, U.K., 2009, p. 336-339. Abstract  Descargar: p46039.pdf (106.73 KB)
      J. Macias-Guarasa, et al., «Novel Applications of Neural Networks in Speech Technology Systems: Search Space Reduction and Prosodic Modeling», Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 15, n.º. 4, p. 629-644, 2009. Descargar: nnsAutosoft2009.pdf (241.2 KB)
      R. San-Segundo, et al., «Speech Technology At Home: Enhanced Interfaces For People With Disabilities», Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, vol. 15, n.º. 4, p. 645-664, 2009. Abstract  Descargar: speechTechAtHome-autosoft2009.pdf (285.74 KB)
      R. San-Segundo, et al., «Speech To Sign Language Translation System For Spanish», Speech Communication, vol. 50, n.º. 11-12, p. 1009-1020, 2008. Abstract  Descargar: paperInPressSignos-specom.pdf (850.67 KB)
      R. Barra-Chicote, J. M. Montero, J. Macias-Guarasa, J. M. Gutierrez-Arriola, J. Ferreiros, y R. Cordoba, «On the limitations of voice conversion techniques in emotion identication tasks», in 10th Conference on Speech Communicacion and Technology (Eurospeech/Interspeech 2007), Antwerp, Belgium, 2007, p. 2233-2236. Abstract  Descargar: PaperDefiniticoPublicado-interspeech2007-Emos.pdf (198.79 KB)
      R. Barra-Chicote, J. M. Montero, J. Macias-Guarasa, L. F. D'Haro, R. San-Segundo, y R. Cordoba, «Prosodic and Segmental Rubrics in Emotion Identification», in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2006 (ICASSP'2006), Toulouse, France, 2006, vol. 1, p. 1085-1088. Abstract  Descargar: emotionRubricsICASSP2006.pdf (754.95 KB)

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